Tom Ellis torna su Netflix assieme a Gina Rodriguez il 14 febbraio con la nuova commedia romantica Players

Tom Ellis and Gina Rodriguez will soon return to the Netflix screen with the new romantic comedy “Players.” Directed by Trish Sie and based on the screenplay by Whit Anderson, the film will be available on the streaming platform starting from February 14th, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

The film’s plot takes place in Chicago and follows the story of Mack, played by Gina Rodriguez, a sports journalist who, along with her best friend Adam, played by Damon Wayans Jr., has always come up with successful games. However, when Mack falls in love with one of her targets, played by Tom Ellis, everything suddenly changes.

In addition to the three main protagonists, the film’s cast also includes Joel Courtney, known for his role in “The Kissing Booth” saga, and Liza Koshy, the actress from the film “Work It.”

As for streaming, “Players” will be exclusively available on Netflix. Subscribers will be able to enjoy this romantic comedy from the comfort of their own homes.

Currently, an official trailer for the film has not yet been released, but some promotional images have already been circulated. As soon as Netflix releases a teaser or a full trailer, we will be ready to update you with all the details.

In conclusion, fans of Tom Ellis and Gina Rodriguez will soon be able to enjoy their chemistry on the Netflix screen with the romantic comedy “Players.” Directed by Trish Sie and based on the screenplay by Whit Anderson, the film will be available for streaming starting from February 14th. We can’t wait to discover this new romantic adventure!
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